lights are low. The stage colors flash from blue to green to red to
white. There is music...LIVE music. There is poetry. There is comedy.
There is ART. ART comes ALIVE here. Art is a living breathing entity
inside of these walls. Ten performers take turns sharing their gifts and
giving their all. They came to express themselves and to possibly be
the one to take home the crown as the #SOULDOPESUNDAY open mic champ for
the month. There can only be one.
Location: Scarlet & Grey Cafe (Columbus, OH)
Open Mic Winner: Lyrikal Godess
Skill: Singing/Rapping
Interviewed by: Qamil
Location: Scarlet & Grey Cafe (Columbus, OH)
Open Mic Winner: Lyrikal Godess
Skill: Singing/Rapping
Interviewed by: Qamil
Q. What does Lyrikal Goddess bring to the R&B table?
A. Lyrikal Goddess brings originality to the table. My
sound is unlike anyone else's and I believe that is my identifier. That
is what makes me stand out.
Q. How would you describe your style as
an artist?
A. Honestly? I can't. I don't believe I fit into a style or
category. I've listened to so many styles of music that its hard to
pinpoint just one because I try to incorporate a little bit of
everything into music.
Q. A lot of people know you as a singer but you are also a very talented rapper. Do you plan to do more of one or will you be doing both in the future?
A. I'm a singer first so I'll be doing more singing than BUT I will be doing alot more of both this year. Guaranteed!
Q. If you could go on a world tour right night, what
other artist would you want to take with you?
A. I would want to take Ms. Ebri Yahloe!!! Her sound is all
her own and she can easily intrigue a crowd. Anything she puts out is
from the heart and in that way we are very much
alike so I believe it
would be a dope tour!
Q. Who IS Lyrikal Goddess?
A. Lyrikal Goddess is the Diva that I dreamed of being as a
little girl. The woman who stood for something, fell for nothing and
didn't take no SH*T. LG is the opposite of who I am to be honest... She
brings balance to my life because we are one and yet we are two
different types of people. She makes me strong and confident. When I'm
on that stage she is everything I hoped I would be. She is the woman I
would never dare to be on a daily lol...
Q. Of all the songs you have ever created which is your favorite and why?
A. Ugh! This one is HARD! If I had to choose I would say
"Her". I was at a very low point in life. I had my heart broken during
that time so it is my favorite because it shows the raw emotion of how I
felt. I remember writing that song like it was yesterday and I still
feel every word. To me, that is what makes it a great song.
Q. What is your absolute favorite song to sing live?
A. "You Deserve Me" Hands Down!
Q. When people see you perform what do you want people to take away?
A. All I want is for you to come out of it knowing that I put my all into that performance and I can only hope that you've enjoyed yourself.
Lyrikal Goddess- "Practice What You Preach" LIVE
Q. If you could have a
dinner party and discuss music with 5 R&B/Soul artist (dead or alive) who
would be at that table?
A Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway, Whitney Houston, Jill Scott, Marvin Gaye (In no particular order)
Q. What music are you
listening to now? What’s spinning in your world?
A. Well I'm weird sooo lol... Right now for whatever reason
I have been into alot of dubstep/rhythmic pop/reggae and rock. I listen
to music in stages. I base my playlist solely off of what catches my
Q. What
is your favorite R&B album of all time?
A. You really want to know? Janet Jackson Velvet Rope! It
will always be my favorite because its the first cd I ever bought on my
own lol.
Q. Some people say that R&B
is dead. What is your response to that?
A. R&B is only dead to the ones who don't see the rose
in the concrete. R&B will never die because LOVE will never die.
R&B is everywhere but sometimes you've got to look for it. You never
know where it may be hiding.!
Q. If you could do a duet with one artist who
would that be?
A. It would have to be Adele. I think she would bring out the best in me.
Scopes Ft. Lyrikal Goddess- "Lies"
Q. People love to know what makes a songstress tick...especially the opposite sex. What is your ultimate turn on in a man?
A. My ultimate turn on about a man is intelligence. There is something so sexy about a man who can have an intellectual conversation.
Q. Favorite color?
A. Purple. Color Of Royalty 
Q.Favorite movie or tv show of all time?
A. Right now my favorite movie is Kingsman! It might be something different next week so dont quote me lol.
Q.Tell me something about yourself that would surprise people.
A. Ummm I like brussel sprouts. Is that a surprise? No? Lol
Q. What is your ultimate goal as an artist?
A. My ultimate goal is to touch hearts man. That's it. Not money, or fame, none of that. I don't care if I'm singing in front of a million people or just one. If I can sing and make you FEEL something I have done my job. THAT is the reason I sing. That feeling right there is why I do what do. Best thing I've ever experienced.!
Q. Where can people find you?
Facebook: Lyrikal Goddess
Soundcloud: lyrikalgoddess
Lyrkial Goddess performing LIVE as our feature act at #SOULDOPESUNDAY on February 7th.
For more info on the show or how you can perform, like the
event page on Facebook